zarbam Part Agro-Industry Co.

zarbam Part Agro-Industry Co., specializing in poultry industry, produces one-day-old chickens and poultry meat products and products related to its production chains using the latest scientific achievements.



Contact Information




Iran, Tehran
Sattar Khan Street, Between Kowsar Alley II and 3rd, No. 76

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Like that nothing swelling of coal you to forgotten all its sparkle, get back on fire and assist Jesus explore you to definitely prompt and you can uplift anybody else in the torso via your solution of like

For a Christian to fail to positively participate in the life of a local church (by serving the body) is to withhold his services to the body and to live outside of the will of God. Those who choose to isolate themselves and refuse to serve in some capacity are disobedient to the direct command of Scripture. As John MacArthur writes, “The Bible does not envision the Christian life as one lived apart from other believers; all members of the universal church, the body of Christ, are to be actively and intimately involved in a local church” (MacArthur, p. 84).

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zarbam Part Agro-Industry Co.

zarbam Part Agro-Industry Co., specializing in poultry industry, produces one-day-old chickens and poultry meat products and products related to its production chains using the latest scientific achievements.

Contact Information